Ski Services
Waxing & Grinding
We carry a wide selection of waxes and waxing tools in shop, from well-known and trusted brands like Rex, Swix, and Toko. However, not everyone has the time, proper set-up, or desire to hot wax their skis at home. At West End, we're pretty big nerds about ski waxing and you can feel comfortable letting us take over the waxing for you. Our offerings include basic hot waxes, competition race waxes, and stone grinding.

Basic Hot Wax: $20
This option utilizes a wide-range temperature hot wax, for use for every day outings. Whether you're on a training ski or just toodling along, this wax will keep you going.
Race Prep Waxing: $90
Includes base clean, multi-layer waxing, and top coats, with waxes chosen based on the snow conditions for your particular event.

Stone Grinding: $65
We partner with The Sports Rack in Marquette in order to provide convenient stone grinding options for those in the West End of Marquette County. Save yourself the trip - drop your skis off at our shop and we will drop them off and pick them back up from being ground - all at no additional cost.